Integrate digital payment solutions within 1 minute. Register now

Conversion rate increase

Reducing the registration process to just 2 steps helps conversion rate increase by 50%.

Increase x3 frequency of return purchases

Flexible payment, optimizing customers’ shopping journey.

Increase average order value

Credit financing up to 25 million motivates customers to buy more and more often.

Reduce transaction costs

The cost is cheaper than paying by credit card or cash on delivery.

Customers proactively shop without worrying about finances

The buy now pay later solution helps stores increase their ability to close sales when they can solve financial problems for customers. Attract customers to buy high-value products (from 3 million VND or more).

Fast, safe payment, no hidden fees, no prepayment.

No need for credit card or proof of income.

Quick loan registration and approval in 5 minutes.

Flexible post-payment term (1-3-6-12 months), limit up to 25 million VND.

The seller receives money immediately, the customer pays later

AppotaPay has strategic cooperation with Kredivo and Reepay; not only ensures benefits for business units but also optimizes the customer\'s shopping journey.

Customers can pay in terms of 30 days to 12 months without needing to own a credit card/proof of income.

Partner businesses receive the full order value (minus transaction fees) within 2 working days.

Transaction information is updated immediately.

Fast shopping and installment payment process

AppotaPay simplifies the loan registration and approval process to help customers shop easily and quickly in 5 minutes.

Available buy now, pay later service

Chọn phương thức thanh toán và kỳ hạn thanh toán

Ready to get started?

Help 96% of customers without credit cards purchase everything from you!